Saturday, 4 May 2013

Flowers in Singapore

Ok, So I've been lazy for so many months without any updates which I need to sincerely apologise to my lovely blog and whoever views it.  Anyway, I realised Singapore has many beautiful flowers surrounding me and so I decided to capture them into my photos gallery.

I personally think this flower looks like the tail of "Bird of Paradise".  It has very unique "tails" which gained my attention.

These are very tiny flowers that grow along the pedestrian side.  Most people will not notice them since they are just the size of a fly.

I guess everybody has seen this flower before.  It actually very attractive if you look closely and of course, it's leaves are fun to play with.

This is a withering flower but I think should keep its beauty before it leaves us.

A bunch of small little white and pinky flowers.  Not so special if you look from far but it definitely able to charm you if you look at the details.

This type of flower is everywhere around Singapore but it is still one of our favourite flowers because of its hardiness and striking yellowish colour.

A very weird flower which gave me a feeling of spider!

I almost missed them since they are really, I meant really SMALL... The size of a mosquito?

This is another small flower that gained my attention. Although it is small, it has very unique character that is able to Wow us.

Erm... Not so nice, small and colourless but t still attractive to me since I am crazy over flowers.

Ok my fault. This is actually the seed of certain type of tree but I actually didn't know when I capture this image. How blur I am...

Hey there, this is not orchid (I guess) as its leaves are long and doesn't look like orchid at all but they are so beautiful!

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