Thursday, 29 November 2012

Gold Fish

I was bored on last friday and so I went to fish shop for some window shopping but who knows I went home with few bags of gold fish. I know I was buying on impulse but who cares since I will still take care of them.

I must admit gold fish is one of the hardest fish I ever kept. Sometimes their death is a huge question mark to me although I have years of experience on gold fish.

These two are Tit Tit and Tut Tut. Both of them are very active but the way they swim is like a child learns how to walk.

This is Ping Ping. He was eating while this photography session but unfortunately he die one hour ago. My heart is broken into pieces. I just can't find any reason for it to die.

Ping Ping and Pong Pong searching for food on the gravel. Both of them are perfectly fine but why out of a sudden?

Pong Pong has a rounder eye bubbles compared to Ping Ping. Wondering how they look at the world with their eyes.

This is Tit Tit. He is a very chubby little gold fish. Food is his favourite and he always sleep other than feeding time.

Tut Tut has a very scary eyes which gave me a feeling that he is blind but he is good at searching for food though. What a beautiful black gold fish.

Last but not least, my butterfly gold fish and I name him Goggle as he looks like he is wearing goggle. 

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