Thursday, 29 November 2012

A night at Night Safari

I was heading to Night Safari while most of the people are heading to club. Guess party with the animals is way healthier than human in the club with all the alcohols, cigarette smoke and the ear splitting sound system. My last night safari trip was few years back and I remembered it was a huge disappointment but this round night safari has totally changed my mind with plenty of animals and decorations but too bad my lousy iPhone camera resolution is limited at night.

A few fake elephants are welcoming us in front of the entrance. It is really nothing much at the entrance and I guess nobody is going to appreciate fake stuff.

This beautiful flower is gorgeous. Look at the rain drops on it, isn't it amazing?

Christmas is around the corner and their decoration is quite beautiful compared to orchard of this year christmas decoration.

A huge fish tank which I only managed to snap a few photos. The fish are quite common but it still a wow to me as long as it is bigger than the fish tank i have at home.

Warren was posing her retro shy pose but the human made cave tunnel is quite fantastic. Isn't it?

A smart way to produce tons of lights which is to put some lights in front of two huge mirrors.

I love how they use different colour of lights on the plants. It create a christmas in the forest feeling to me.
We managed to see some small kangaroos and this picture was taken right after the kangaroo pooped in front of everybody. Gross...

Gold Fish

I was bored on last friday and so I went to fish shop for some window shopping but who knows I went home with few bags of gold fish. I know I was buying on impulse but who cares since I will still take care of them.

I must admit gold fish is one of the hardest fish I ever kept. Sometimes their death is a huge question mark to me although I have years of experience on gold fish.

These two are Tit Tit and Tut Tut. Both of them are very active but the way they swim is like a child learns how to walk.

This is Ping Ping. He was eating while this photography session but unfortunately he die one hour ago. My heart is broken into pieces. I just can't find any reason for it to die.

Ping Ping and Pong Pong searching for food on the gravel. Both of them are perfectly fine but why out of a sudden?

Pong Pong has a rounder eye bubbles compared to Ping Ping. Wondering how they look at the world with their eyes.

This is Tit Tit. He is a very chubby little gold fish. Food is his favourite and he always sleep other than feeding time.

Tut Tut has a very scary eyes which gave me a feeling that he is blind but he is good at searching for food though. What a beautiful black gold fish.

Last but not least, my butterfly gold fish and I name him Goggle as he looks like he is wearing goggle. 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Christmas Tree of 2012

Christmas is around the corner and I must say December is my favourite month and christmas tree shopping is a must! This year I got the tree a little bit earlier due to the promotion for early birds. Hope it doesn't dry up before Christmas.

Which tree? This? or that? This year I've chosen a smaller tree as most of the time I will be travelling and my kids have took over most of the space at my home.

This is the benefit of getting small christmas tree; you can bring it back by yourself! The feeling of shopping for tree is definitely better than shopping for luxury goods. Guess you could imagine how I feel with such example.

Look how happy I was. Yes I know I was wearing only a boxer but hey, at least it well kept inside. hahaha... Opps...

After a day for the tree to settle down, I started to put on all my stuffed toys onto the tree. Yes, this year my theme would be stuffed toys theme. Compared to last year Birds & Butterflies, this year is definitely a better way to recycle my resources (Stuffed toys collection freak).

The last part is the lights. Yes I know, I should have put the lights first but I have forgotten to do so in the first place. Whatever since the end product is out! Isn't it gorgeous? Who wants present? :p

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Visiting Baby Anya with my two kids

I always wanted to visit my friend, Asanthi's new born baby, Anya Ray. Although I did not attach any photo of the baby girl here but I do have a photo of her sister, Ayomi Sky. 

I bought this pet carrier from Batam with a very low price. It looks so posh to me though. I love it much! For your information, Mashi and Casper were inside the bag while this photo was taken.

Mashi with a blur look. He has been to this place for so many times but still look blur whenever he is here.

Another blur look of Mashi. He is not as active as before but still so naughty and blur.

This is the first time Casper visits Asanthi's place and he was so well behaved. I guess it is because of his fur has covered hi eyes or this is the way how Angora Rabbits' personality.

Ayomi happily playing with the both of them. She prefer Mashi more than Casper but I am not so sure about the reason as Casper prefers to stick to human more than the rest. Guess today's kids prefer things that are difficult to get. Haa!

Friday, 23 November 2012

A Stressless Day with the Nature

Have you ever wondering what to do over the free time when you are unemployed? I highly recommend you to visit Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. It is free and you will get a peace of mind from the busy and stressful lifestyle in town and you will definitely burned up ton of calories!

This is the wonderful wild fungus after rain. I am not so sure it is safe to eat but it is definitely safe to touch.

Found these little creatures that hatched not long ago. I am impressed that they look exactly the same of adult spider and they could run, jump and create web after they were born. How useless our Human baby is.

This is my best spot to look at the fish, shrimps and other funny creatures in the water. I found Hope (Turtle) here but I did not see her that day.

I was relaxing on top of this water tunnel and someone took this photo of me. The sun is shinning until my eyes look so one kind.

Another shot when I wasn't well prepared. Guess this is the reason why I don't deserved to be a celebrity or model. (Provided look and body figures are not counted in this situation)

Look at the monkey. I must say it is really not easy to do so and you can see how much effort and energy I put in to be a monkey. Sweating armpits are a proof!

I am not so sure about this tunnel but it gave me a scary, horrible and horror feeling. Look at him enjoying the coldness coming out from the tunnel but I really dare not to try it out since "something" can suddenly grab and eat him in seconds.

Can you believe this? I found a firefly in Singapore which I thought it already extinct in Singapore and most parts of Malaysia.

No matter how wonderful and beautiful the nature is, we still need to be realistic as this picture shows our life in this world. "Stronger creatures will cannibalising the weaker ones"